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Refund and Returns Policy

Because most of our products are highly perishable, our refund and returns window lasts 48 hours.

If 48 hours have lapsed since your purchase, we may not offer you a full refund or exchange.

To be eligible for a return or exchange, the item must have verifiable proof of damage AND at least 90% of its original quantity must be unused.

To initiate the claim process, kindly take a picture of the item in question and a screen shot of your email receipt and send them to us via WhatsApp within 48 hours after delivery.

Situations where partial or no refunds may granted:


      • Any item not in its original structure.

      • Where more than 10% of the item’s original size/quantity is missing.

      • Any claim raised more than 48 hours after delivery.

    Once your complaint is received and verified, we will send you an email to notify you that we have received your complaint.

    An email confirmation of approval or rejection of the claim will then be sent, within 24 hours after the claim was raised.

    If approved, a refund will be processed, and/or a credit applied to your account, for use on your next purchase. We may also offer you a coupon to apply the refund at checkout your next purchase.

    In case the coupon does not work, kindly notify us via WhatsApp before you complete the order at checkout.

    Upon mutual agreement with the customer, we may offer to replace items. This is especially applicable for cereals.

    Where a claim is declined, an email will be sent to the customer providing justification for the outcome of the claim-review process.

    An agreement will be reached with the customer, if the defective product will be collected by our delivery team, dumped by the customer or delivered to us by the customer – whichever option will be most reasonable and cost-effective.

    Feel free to reach out to us for further clarifications or to follow up on your claim.

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